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Página de Carreiras

Join our Partnership Program and unlock opportunities for growth, innovation, and collaboration!

Beginners will find ample resources to kickstart their journey, while veterans will discover advanced tools and opportunities to leverage their expertise.

Página de Carreiras


Benefits of becoming a dealer with FarmAnywhere

Hydroponics greenhouse

Innovative Agricultural Solutions

Being at the forefront of providing innovative and sustainable farming solutions like container farming

Eco-friendly and Sustainable Practices

Promoting eco-friendly and sustainable farming solutions, aligning with environmental consciousness.

Affordable Entry into the Farming Market

Offering a flexible and affordable entry into the farming market, catering to a wider range of customers.

Local Food Production

Empowering communities and individuals to grow fresh, healthy produce locally, regardless of location or climate.

Potential Market Growth

Being part of the growing Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) market with scalable, cost-effective, and adaptable technology.

Access to Quality Agricultural Equipment

Having access to high-quality, innovative agricultural equipment and technologies.

Partnership Opportunities

Opportunities for forming partnerships, as seen in FarmAnywhere's previous collaborations.

Recurring Revenue

Establishing a business model that provides a steady stream of recurring revenue.

Opportunity to Train and Support New Farmers

Engaging with and supporting new farmers, offering training and guidance as they venture into modern farming practices.

Helping Local Communities Become Independent

Contributing to local community development by promoting self-sufficiency and independence in food production.


Requirements for becoming a partner in the FarmAnywhere farmer network program

Agricultural specialists working with seedlings

Prior experience in representing or distributing products for equipment manufacturers, preferably within the agricultural or related sectors. 

Already operates a business within the agricultural or farming sectors, indicating a solid background and understanding of the industry. 

Ability to provide support, assistance, and guidance to potential farmers, aiding them in overcoming challenges and ensuring successful farming operations. 

Ability to offer training programs or resources to potential farmers, helping them acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for modern farming practices. 

Ability to supply farmers with essential consumables and other resources required for successful farming operations. 

Willingness and capability to actively promote and market FarmAnywhere products, helping to expand the brand’s reach and customer base within the market. 



How to apply and the process


Check if you fulfill the
requirements to becoming a partner


Click the Join Us button and fill out the form


Our team will contact you for further details


Check out our container farms

fazenda inicial
Fazenda Lite Universal

Fazenda Lite Universal

Esta fazenda contêiner é uma boa solução inicial e permite que você instale seu próprio equipamento agrícola.

expansão de fazenda
Fazenda contêiner de viveiro

Fazenda contêiner de viveiro

Esta fazenda contêiner permite que você inicie sementes e clones. Perfeito para oferecer serviços de propagação.

Fazenda Comunitária
4-em-1 Fazenda hidropônica em contêiner

4-em-1 Fazenda hidropônica em contêiner

Esta fazenda contêiner permite o cultivo de vegetais de folhas populares como alface e couve chinesa.

Fazenda comercial
Fazenda contêiner de ervas

Fazenda contêiner de ervas

Esta fazenda contêiner permite que você cultive ervas populares como manjericão e orégano.

Saiba mais

Navegue pelo nosso catálogo de produtos

Determine a solução que melhor atenda às suas necessidades ou entre em contato conosco para obter assistência.

os detalhes

Nosso Processo

Um tour virtual

Nosso tour virtual oferece uma visão detalhada das características e benefícios de nossas fazendas em contêineres, e proporciona uma compreensão clara de como nosso equipamento pode ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos agrícolas.

Não espere, reserve seu tour virtual hoje mesmo e descubra como a FarmAnywhere oferece a você equipamentos e tecnologia para cultivar mais, mais rápido e de forma mais inteligente.

O processo

Agende uma ligação

Experimente o nosso serviço de atendimento especializado.

Incentivamos você a entrar em contato conosco o mais breve possível para discutir como podemos ajudá-lo a se tornar um agricultor ou a expandir sua capacidade agrícola atual.

o contato

Prepare-se para cultivar

Siga nosso processo de construção

Prepare-se para receber sua fazenda enquanto construímos e enviamos suas soluções.

a preparação

Procurando mais?

Vancouver, BC

Envie um email hoje para mais informações

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Partnership Sign Up Form

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.
Contact Information
What is your farming experience?
Select your level of experience below

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We still use the phone. Leave your number, and on our sales rep will give you a call.