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Vertical Farming 2.0: How Standardization Drives Industry Maturity

How Vertical Farming Is Maturing As An Industry

Key Takeaways

  • Standardization is a sign of an industry maturity, many industries goes through this process as seen in construction and technology.
  • Vertical farming must adopt clear standards for measuring plant yields and water efficiency to move beyond vague claims to establish trust and provide transparency in the industry. 
  • Setting industry standards in vertical farming will not only prove its efficiency but also open doors to sustainable growth, enabling it to revolutionize our food production system.


As industries grow and markets mature, setting standards becomes crucial for ensuring reliability and credibility. When there are guidelines, it becomes easier to maintain quality and efficiency, making the entire industry more trustworthy. Throughout history, standardization has driven progress across various fields. In construction, adopting standard building methods has led to safer and more efficient building practices.

In this post, we’ll explore how standards have shaped industries and fueled innovation. We’ll look at historical examples from construction, and technology to illustrate the transformative power of standardization. Finally, we’ll discuss why establishing similar frameworks is essential for the vertical farming industry to mature. By creating and adhering to standards, we can move towards Vertical Farming 2.0, achieving greater efficiency, scalability, and sustainability.

The Impact of Standardization In History

Before the establishment of building standards, cities were fraught with hidden dangers. Imagine walking through narrow streets lined with buildings where foundations are uneven and walls cracked, ready to collapse at the slightest provocation. These structures, often hastily and haphazardly built, stood as looming hazards in the urban environment. Beyond these immediate dangers, the chaotic and unplanned construction created a tangled mess of narrow, overcrowded streets. Without efficient use of space, cities became labyrinths of poorly aligned buildings, making navigation and infrastructure development a nightmare.

The implementation of construction standards rectified this chaotic growth. The introduction of building codes and safety standards was a turning point, addressing these issues by ensuring that all constructions met minimum safety requirements. This shift not only improved the safety and quality of buildings but also laid the foundation for modern urban planning and development, making our cities safer and more efficient places to live and work.

Parallel to the physical landscape’s transformation is the standardization of the technology. Recall the days when a different charger accompanied each gadget, a frustrating tangle of cables. The tech industry’s proliferation meant a cacophony of connectors until the advent of USB-C. 

This slim, reversible port marked a new era of universal digital connectivity. The shift to a single USB standard has made product design simpler, improved user convenience, and reduced electronic waste, benefiting the environment. It’s a perfect example of how a mature industry can use standardization to streamline operations and enhance the user experience across a wide range of devices.

Engineers and architects are helping to design the construction.
Major Factor

How Standards Can Validate Efficiency Claims In Vertical Farming 2.0

Now, as we look to vertical farming, we should remember the lessons learned from construction to USB-C connectors. Vertical farming promises high efficiencies in water and power consumption. However, these claims lack a consistent measuring stick across manufacturers, making it hard to validate these claims of efficiency.

For vertical farming to truly advance, it needs to embrace standardization, especially in measuring plant yields and water usage. Establishing industry-wide benchmarks will allow stakeholders to accurately assess and compare performance, fostering transparency and trust. While claims like “90% less water” sound impressive, without standardized metrics, they remain unverified. By adopting common standards, vertical farming can move from bold assertions to proven achievements.

Comparing The 3 Industries
Aspect Vertical Farming (Status) Construction Industry USD Standards
Standardization Impact
In need of clear benchmarks for plant yields and water usage to validate efficiencies and ensure reliability.
Organized and safe urban development.
Simplification of product design and user experience.
Emerging industry transitioning from experimental methods to possibly established practices.
From chaotic growth to regulated planning.
From multiple connectors to a single USB-C standard.
Industry Maturity
Still developing, lacking uniform measurement standards for production claims.
Well-established with comprehensive building codes.
Mature with a universal connection standard.

Conclusion: Vertical Farming Industry Growth With The Necessary Guidelines

The maturation of any market is a complex process, but history shows us that standards are key to this evolution. Just as city planning and USB-C connectors brought order and efficiency, vertical farming can benefit from similar standardization. It’s time for vertical farming to develop and adopt standards that will lay a solid foundation for sustainable growth and help it realize its potential to revolutionize food production. As we move forward, let’s establish clear, measurable, and reliable standards for this industry. This will ensure the new era of Vertical Farming 2.0, paving the way for a future of reliable and efficient food production,

In the next blog, we will discuss the certifications needed in vertical farming to validate the claims of efficiency and sustainability. 

Vegetables are growing in indoor farm(vertical farm).

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